01 阿斯顿大学
Aston University
- ·MSc Artificial Intelligence
- 人工智能硕士
- ·MSc Artificial Intelligence with Business Strategy
- 人工智能与商业战略硕士
- ·MSc Business Analytics
- 商业分析硕士
- ·MSc Business and Management
- 商业与管理硕士
- ·MSc Computer Science
- 计算机科学硕士
- ·MSc Data Science
- 数据科学硕士
- ·MSc Engineering Management
- 工程管理硕士
- ·MSc Human Resource Management
- 人力资源管理硕士
- ·MSc Information Systems and Business Analysis
- 信息系统与商业分析硕士
- ·MSc International Accounting and Finance
- 国际会计与金融硕士
- ·MSc International Business
- ·MSc International Relations
- ·MSc Investment Analysis
- ·MSc Strategic Digital Marketing
- ·MSc Strategic Marketing Management
- ·MSc Supply Chain Management
02 格拉斯哥大学
University of Glasgow
- ·MSc Aerospace Engineering & Management
- 航空航天工程与管理硕士
- ·MSc Civil Engineering & Management
- 土木工程与管理硕士
- ·MSc Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management
- 电子与电气工程与管理硕士
- 教育学硕士
- ·MSc Mechanical Engineering & Management
- 机械工程与管理硕士
03 伦敦玛丽女王大学
Queen Mary University of London
- ·MSc Banking and Finance
- 银行与金融学硕士
- ·MSc Management
- 管理学硕士
- ·MSc Banking and Finance (Conversion)
- 银行与金融硕士(转换)
04 埃克塞特大学
University of Exeter
- ·MSc International Business and Strategy
- 国际商业与战略硕士
- ·MSc Business Analytics
- 商业分析硕士
- ·MSc Business and Management
- 商业与管理硕士
- ·MSc Engineering Business Management
- 工程商业管理硕士
- ·MSc International Supply Chain Management
- 国际供应链管理硕士
05 雷丁大学
University of Reading
- ·MA Applied Linguistics
- 应用语言学硕士
- ·MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- 对讲其他语言的人教授英语硕士(TESOL)
- ·LLM International Commercial Law with Intellectual Property Law and Management
- 国际商法与知识产权法与管理硕士
- ·LLM International Law
- 国际法硕士
- ·LLM International Commercial Law
- 国际商法硕士
- ·LLM International Commercial Law with International Banking law and Financial Regulation
- 国际商法硕士(国际银行法和金融监管)
- ·LLM International Commercial Law with International Corporate Finance
- 法学硕士国际商法与国际公司金融
06 拉夫堡大学
Loughborough University
- ·MA/MSc Design Innovation
- 设计创新硕士/硕士
- ·MA International Development
- 国际发展硕士
- ·MSc International Sustainable Development
- 国际可持续发展硕士
- ·MSc Digital Finance
- 数字金融硕士
- ·MSc Digital Marketing
- 数字营销硕士
- ·MSc Diplomacy and International Relations
- 外交与国际关系硕士
- ·MSc Diplomacy, International Business and Trade
- 外交、国际商业与贸易硕士
- ·MSc Diplomacy, International Politics and Trade
- 外交、国际政治与贸易硕士
- ·MSc Diplomacy and Sport
- 外交与体育硕士
- ·MSc Security, Peace-building and Diplomacy
- 安全、建设和平与外交硕士
- ·MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- 创业与创新管理硕士
- ·MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation
- 创业、金融与创新硕士
- ·MSc Digital Entrepreneurship
- 数字创业硕士
- ·MSc International Human Resource Management
- ·MSc International Management
- ·MSc International Management and Emerging Economies
- ·MSc Risk, Governance and International Management
- ·MSc Sustainable Management
- ·MA Media and Creative Industries
- ·MSc Sport Marketing
- ·MSc Sustainable Sport Business
- ·MA Communication, Media and Development
- ·MA Digital Media and Creative Industries
07 阿伯丁大学
University of Aberdeen
- ·MLitt Creative Writing
- 创意写作硕士
- ·MSc Cultural and Creative Communication
- 文化与创意传播硕士
- ·MLitt English Language and Literature
- 英语语言文学硕士
- ·MLitt Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management
- 电影、视觉文化与艺术管理硕士
- ·MSc Global Business Communication
- 全球商务传播硕士
- ·MLitt Literatures, Environments and Places
- 文学、环境和地点硕士
- ·MMus Music
- 音乐硕士
- ·MSc TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- 向讲其他语言的人教授英语
- ·MSc Environmental Science
- 环境科学硕士
- ·MBA Business Administration
- 工商管理
- ·MScEcon Accounting and Finance
- 会计与金融硕士
- ·MScEcon Finance and Investment Management
- 财务与投资管理硕士
- ·MScEcon Finance and Investment Management (with CFA Level 1 Examination)
- ·MSc International Business and Finance
- ·MSc International Business Management
- ·MSc International Finance and Political Relations
- ·MSc International Human Resource Management
- ·MSc Marketing Management
- ·MSc Artificial Intelligence
- ·MSc Data Science
- ·MSc Information Technology
- ·LLM Energy and Environmental Law with Dissertation
- ·LLM Energy Law with Professional Skills
- ·LLM Energy Law with Dissertation
- ·LLM Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation
- ·LLM Oil and Gas Law with Professional Skills
- ·MSc Energy Politics and Law
- ·MSc Offshore Engineering
- ·MSc Oil and Gas Enterprise Management
- ·MSc Petroleum Engineering
- ·MSc Oil and Gas Engineering
- ·MSc Renewable Energy Engineering
- ·MSc Strategic Studies and Energy Security
- ·MSc Subsea Engineering
- ·MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- ·MSc Advanced Structural Engineering
- ·MSc Process Safety
- ·MSc Geographical Information Systems
- ·MSc Planetary Sciences
- ·MSc Sustainability Transitions
- ·MSc Applied Health Sciences
- ·MSc Global Health and Management
- ·Master of Public Health
- ·MSc Psychological Studies(以及几个小方向)
- ·MSc Cultural Heritage
- ·MLitt Museum Studies
- ·LLM Business Law and Sustainable Development with Dissertation
- ·LLM Criminal Justice
- ·LLM Criminal Justice and Human Rights
- ·LLM or MSc Energy Economics and Law
- ·LLM Energy Transition Law with Dissertation
- ·LLM Energy Transition Law with Professional Skills
- ·LLM General Law
- ·LLM Human Rights and Criminal Justice
- ·LLM International Intellectual Property and Information Law
- ·LLM International Commercial Law with Dissertation
- ·LLM International Commercial Law with Professional Skills
- ·LLM International Dispute Resolution with Dissertation
- ·LLM International Human Rights
- ·LLM International Law
- ·LLM International Law and International Relations
- ·LLM International Law Security and Strategic Studies
- ·MSc International Relations and International Law
- ·LLM International Trade Law
- ·LLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation with Professional Skills
- ·LLM Natural Resources Law
- ·LLM Public International Law
- ·MSc Strategic Studies and International Law
- ·MSc Microbiology
- ·MSc International Political Economy
- ·MSc International Relations
- ·MSc International Relations and Management
- ·MSc Peace and Conflict Studies
- ·MSc Policy Evaluation
- ·MSc Sociology
- ·MSc Strategic Studies
- ·MSc Strategic Studies and Management
08 赫瑞-瓦特大学
Heriot-Watt University
- ·MSc International Business Management
- 国际商务管理硕士
- ·MSc Design Management
- 设计管理硕士
- ·MSc Data Science
- 数据科学硕士
- ·MSc Artificial Intelligence
- 人工智能硕士
- ·MA Digital Design and Innovation
- 数字设计与创新
- ·MSc Software Engineering
- 软件工程硕士
- ·MA Interior Architecture and Design
- 室内建筑与设计
- ·MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy
- 商业分析与咨询硕士
- ·MA Fashion and Textiles Design
- 时装与纺织品设计
- ·MSc Robotics
- 机器人学硕士
- ·MSc Fashion and Textiles Management
- 时尚与纺织品管理硕士
- ·MSc Intercultural Business Communication
- 跨文化商务沟通硕士
- ·MSc Business Psychology with Intercultural Communication
- 跨文化交际商务心理学硕士
- ·MSc Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying
- ·MSc Business Psychology with Human Resource Management
- ·MSc Global Sustainability Engineering
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- ·MSc Economics, Banking and Finance
- ·MSc Business Strategy, Leadership and Change
- ·MSc Construction Project Management
- ·MSc Finance and Management
- ·MSc International Accounting and Finance
- ·MSc Business Psychology
- ·Master of Business Administration
- ·MSc Civil Engineering and Construction Management
09 思克莱德大学
University of Strathclyde
- ·MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
- 高级化学工程硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Construction Technologies & BIM
- 高级建筑技术与BIM硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- 高级机械工程硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace
- 高级机械工程与航空航天硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy Systems
- 高级机械工程与能源系统硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Materials
- 高级机械工程与材料硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant Technologies
- 高级机械工程与发电厂技术硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Naval Architecture
- 高级海军建筑学硕士
- ·MSc Biomedical Engineering
- 生物医学工程硕士
- ·MSc Civil Engineering
- 土木工程硕士
- ·MSc Electronic & Electrical Engineering
- 电子与电气工程硕士
- ·MSc Engineering Management for Process Excellence
- 卓越流程工程管理硕士
- ·MSc Environmental Engineering
- ·MSc Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- ·MSc Marine Engineering
- ·MSc Mechatronics & Automation
- ·MSc Renewable Energy & Decarbonisation Technologies
- ·MSc Satellite Data for Sustainable Development
- ·MSc Ship & Offshore Structures
- ·MSc Subsea & Pipeline Engineering
- ·MSc Supply Chain & Logistics Management
- ·MSc Supply Chain & Procurement Management
- ·MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management
- ·MSc Sustainability & Environmental Studies
- ·MSc Sustainable Engineering: Chemical Processing
- ·MSc Sustainable Engineering: Marine Technology
- ·MSc Sustainable Engineering: Offshore Renewable Energy
- ·LLM Construction Law
- ·LLM Global Environmental Law & Governance
- ·LLM International Commercial Law
- ·LLM Law
- ·LLM Professional Legal Practice
- ·MSc Technical Ship Management
- ·MLitt Media & Communication
- ·MSc Criminology & Social Policy
- ·MSc Education Studies
- ·MSc TESOL & Intercultural Communication
- ·MSc International Relations
- ·MSc Public Policy
- ·MSc Advanced Computer Science (January start)
- ·MSc Advanced Computer Science with Data Science (January start)
- ·Advanced Computer Science with Software Engineering(January start)
- ·Master of Business Administration
- ·MSc Business Analysis & Consulting (January)
- ·MSc Business & Management (January)
- ·MSc Digital Marketing Management (January)
- ·MSc Finance (January)
- ·MSc International Management (January)
- ·MSc International Accounting & Finance (January)
- ·MSc Marketing (January)
- ·MSc Investment & Finance (January)
10 莱斯特大学
University of Leicester
- ·MSc Advanced Computer Science
- 高级计算机科学硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Software Engineering
- 高级软件工程硕士
- ·MSc Cloud Computing
- 云计算硕士
- ·MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- 高级机械工程硕士
- ·Master of Engineering Management MEM
- 工程管理硕士
- ·MSc Embedded Systems and Control Engineering
- 嵌入式系统与控制工程硕士
- ·MSc Data Analysis for Business Intelligence
- 商业智能数据分析硕士
- ·MA Mass Communications
- 大众传播学
- ·MA Digital Media and Society
- 数字媒体与社会
- ·MA Global Media and Communication
- 全球媒体与传播硕士
- ·MSc International Business
- 国际商务硕士
- ·MA Media and Advertising
- 媒体与广告学
- ·MA Media and Public Relations
- 媒体与公共关系硕士
- ·MSc Management, Finance and Accounting
- 管理、金融和会计硕士
- ·MSc International Business(April start)
- 国际商务硕士(四月开始)
- ·MSc Digital Marketing
- 数字营销硕士
- ·Aerospace Engineering MSc
- 航空航天工程硕士
- ·Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology MSc
- ·Molecular Genetics MSc
- ·Marketing MSc
- ·Data Science MSc